Lexington Hills in Lexington, SC

2012 Sales - January 1st through June 14th

Below is a table of the homes sold in Lexington Hills in 2012



Total Houses Sold Average Days on Market Average Price Sold Average Sq. Ft. Average price per Sq. Ft.
3 78 $94,300 1380 $68.33

Property Adresses sold this year:

120 Wolf Run Court
 109 Cantigny Court
 129 Double Eagle Circle

There are currently 10 houses on the market in Lexington Hills and 1 house under contract. This information is found in the table below:



Total Houses on Market Average Days on Market Average Price Listed Average Sq. Ft. Average price per Sq. Ft.
10 n/a $114,939 1343 $85.60


To view all homes for sale currently in Lexington Hills, Click HERE


My name is Dena Mixon and I would love to be your LEXINGTON, SC REALTOR! I am professionally trained and experienced to help home buyers and home sellers in the Midlands of South Carolina. I work very hard to help clients achieve their real estate goals. I can promise that I will always give you the care and best possible service that I can give! Whether you are selling, buying, or just have a questions, please call or text me at (803) 348-1155. EXIT Real Estate Consultants.