Long's Pond Estates in Lexington, SC

2012 Sales - January 1st through June 5th

Below is a table of the homes sold in Long's Pond Estates in 2012


Total Houses Sold Average Days on Market Average Price Sold Average Sq. Ft. Average price per Sq. Ft.
3 47 $164,167 2115 $77.61

Property Adresses sold this year:

1325 Knotts Haven Loop
1321 Knotts Haven Loop
348 Knotts Circle

There are currently 3 houses on the market in Longs Pond Estates and 1 house under contract. This information is found in the table below:


Total Houses on Market Average Days on Market Average Price Listed Average Sq. Ft. Average price per Sq. Ft.
3 47 $186,100 2453 $75.87


Property Adresses currently listed on the Market:

1346 Knotts Haven Loop
1430 Knotts Haven Loop
1441 Knotts Haven Loop

To view all homes for sale currently in Longs Pond Estates, Click HERE


My name is Dena Mixon and I would love to be your LEXINGTON, SC REALTOR! I am professionally trained and experienced to help home buyers and home sellers in the Midlands of South Carolina. I work very hard to help clients achieve their real estate goals. I can promise that I will always give you the care and best possible service that I can give! Whether you are selling, buying, or just have a questions, please call or text me at (803) 348-1155. EXIT Real Estate Consultants.